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What do Ben and Libby do?

What do Ben and Libby do?

The life of a Stateside Missionary: 

Everything you want to know & didn’t know how to ask


What do Ben and Libby do?

Ben is a Squad Mentor – he is in charge of the spiritual formation & much more of a group of 30-55 overseas missionaries. He is on call 24/7. He spends countless hours discipling the busy missionaries through Skype, phone calls, and debriefs.

A typical day for Ben in the states would look like: 2 or 3 hour conversations with the missionaries to make sure they are physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy, checking on their finances to make sure they are on track, making sure they are staying connected with their supporters and family, supporting leadership on the field with hard decisions, and all while pouring into them spiritually. In a nut shell… he is a pastor for traveling missionaries.

Libby is an Interview Specialist. Each day Libby interviews potential missionaries. In her department there are 5 interviewers that process over 2000 applications a year. She asks questions about past and current struggles and victories. With each interview she looks for stability as well as ways to help prepare them for the field. When applicants are not ready for the field she points them to spiritual guidance through counseling, spiritual mentorship, and Christian community and walks with them through that journey. She (along with her team) is constantly in prayer, relying heavily on discernment & wisdom from the Lord.


How often do you go overseas and who pays for it?

Ben travels 4 times a year for 2-3 weeks at a time. These trips are a part of his job and paid for by Adventures. He does ministry with his squad, debriefs teams, teaches, and trains the field leaders. While on the field he is financially responsible for any “adventure/tourist days”.

Libby does not travel for work unless she is leading a trip. When she joins Ben for debrief & ministry, it is currently personally funded.


Do you work when you are overseas? Because all we see are all the fun things you do!

Yes, we really do work!

Debrief: At debrief (3-5 days every 2-4 months) the teams are there to relax, reconnect with their leaders to process the stresses of living in & seeing extreme physical and spiritual poverty. This is a time they can let their hair down. Ben and the squad coaches cast vision and refuel the missionaries for the next leg. The leaders also have in person conversations with each missionary to provide spiritual, physical, and mental care .

Ministry: Often we do not have many pictures or videos from ministry. Why, you ask. Because we are there to build relationships with these people. Our focus is to love them like Jesus. We do not want them to feel we are there just to take pictures of their suffering. We want to be sensitive to the hardship that these people live out daily, not exploiting it, but coming along side of them. They are people living from day to day, most just trying to survive.

Days off: Most racers work/do ministry six days a week. Once or twice a month they take an “Adventure Day” on their off day. These days are not funded by supporters. They are completely out of their own pocket. Most overseas adventures are not expensive but are a once in a life time experience. Such as Hiking & Sledding down a Active Volcano in Nicaragua= $15 USD per person! These are days we take lots of pictures, act like tourists, and have lots of laughs together. 



Missionaries are supposed to be poor, why do I see you eating out or getting a pedicure?

Like most missionaries we believe that it is important to be good stewards of the gifts and earnings the Lord has given to us.

We live a simple life. We drive paid-for cars that get us from point A to point B. We have two other missionaries that live in our basement to help offset the cost of rent. We don’t have cable. We shop at thrift stores regularly, and we work diligently to pay off student loan debt. We also enjoy a date night weekly and the occasional splurge here or there. We are an open book about our lifestyle. If you have questions please ask us. We would love to share with you!


Why do you fundraise?

Adventures in Missions has a passion to mobilize this generation. We value the fact that our trips costs are reasonable for both short term and long term missionaries. We, like most missionaries, fundraise because this is a calling. Like the Levites, Paul, and even Jesus, we are called to depend on resources from other believers. We are using the gifts of time, energy, and ability that God has given us to impact the kingdom for Christ. God calls other members of His body to use their gifts of prayer, encouragement, and finances to impact the Kingdom for Christ. We all have different roles to walk out in His Kingdom. For us, part of that role is fundraising. When you give, it is tax deductible and a tremendous blessing.


Libby praying a blessings over a baby and her village. This village had never seen a white man nor EVER heard the name of Christ until this day. Libby praying a blessing over a young baby and her village. It was the first time they had ever seen white people and the first time they EVER heard the name of Jesus! 

What are your long term plans?

We both feel strongly that the Lord has led us here for a season of preparation. We do not know how long that period is but we both have pretty big dreams for our future both stateside and overseas. We plan to continue to pursue having a family and provide support for missionaries on the field. As for the next season… who knows… Asia, Africa, Europe, South America… we will see in His timing! 



  1. LOVED seeing you both over the weekend despite the circumstances. And I LOVE hearing about your mission work. I commit to continue praying for you both & the ministries you lead. What a privilege to pray along side your Kingdom work. 🙂

  2. LOVE this. You put things into words so adequately. Aaron and I are praying for you both and love that you are following Gods calling on your lives. You both are an inspiration and we love you!

  3. Love you two!! Excited to do more life with you in the months and years to come. Praying for you. Lets do dinner again SOON!

  4. You guys are awesome!! God bless all of you and each person you reach whether it be directly or indirectly. Be well in your journey that God has lead you in and continues to lead you in.

  5. Blessing two both of u! You r experiencing true communion with God while on earth. We continue to pray for u both!

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